The Study commenced following the approved environmental planning process for a Group ‘B’ undertaking under the requirements of the Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s (MTO) Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000). The purpose of the Study is to develop a Recommended Plan in Preliminary Design and carry it forward into Detail Design.
In 2019, modernization of MTO’s Class EA was initiated. The Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, whose ministry regulates MTO’s Class EA, approved amendments to the Class EA in December 2023 and February 2024. As part of the amendments, the Class EA has been renamed Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities and Municipal Expressways (2024). The 2024 Class EA document can be viewed here.
MTO determined that this project is eligible to transition from the 2000 Class EA to the 2024 Class EA. The new 2024 Class EA will reduce duplication and streamline the process for transportation projects, reducing delays on projects that matter most to Ontario communities while maintaining strong environmental oversight and protection. Transitioning from the requirements of the 2000 Class EA to the 2024 Class EA will also optimize the assessment process by removing redundancies and expediting project planning to facilitate a more streamlined implementation process. Commitments made during the Preliminary Design phase will be addressed as the study progresses through the design process.
In order to transition a project from the 2000 Class EA process to the 2024 Class EA process the following steps are to take place:
Distribution and advertisement of a Notice of Proposed Transition
The Notice of Proposed Transition and associated 30-day comment period is completed to provide an opportunity for interested stakeholders to submit questions or comments regarding the transition.
Transition Record of Consultation
All comments received during the 30-day comment period are maintained in a Transition Record of Consultation and will be posted on the project website.
Notice of Transition
Following the Notice of Proposed Transition and associated 30-day comment period, a Notice of Transition will be issued to inform stakeholders if the proponent proceeds with transition.
The Class EA process includes on-going opportunities for public involvement. Comments can be submitted to the project team by telephone or email. All comments received, with the exception of personal information, will become part of the public record.
Once stakeholder input has been received, the Recommended Plan will be finalized. At the completion of the Preliminary Design, a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR) will be prepared to document the Study for the project including:
A summary description of the project;
An outline of the Class EA process;
A description of significant transportation engineering and environmental issues and how they have been addressed;
A summary of stakeholder consultation; and
A detailed description of the Recommended Plan, including the proposed mitigation strategy.
Detail Design will finalize the details of the Recommended Plan, develop appropriate mitigation measures for any required environmental impacts, and address commitments made during Preliminary Design.